Blog > What is a Risk Assessment Matrix? How to Create One?

What is a Risk Assessment Matrix? How to Create One?

VComply Editorial Team
February 26, 2024
4 minutes

An organization needs to analyze risks that might occur and find ways to prevent them or reduce their impact. It helps them to act confidently on essential business decisions. Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks and taking steps to reduce risks to an acceptable level. In first, organizations need to identify and prioritize risks. Once they identify the risks, they need to conduct an in-depth assessment of risks. A risk assessment matrix plays a significant role in risk management.

A risk assessment matrix is an essential tool in project management for evaluating and managing potential risks. It allows project teams to assess the level of risk associated with identified risks and make informed decisions. By categorizing risks based on their likelihood and consequence, a risk assessment matrix provides a systematic way to prioritize actions and allocate resources effectively.

It is a method of improving the visibility of an organization’s risks with an assessment based on multiplying the likelihood that a risk will occur by its impact on the organization. It enables project/risk managers to identify calculated risks and evaluate their potential impact on project outcomes. By considering the identified risks within the context of the project’s objectives, stakeholders can develop mitigation strategies and allocate appropriate resources to address potential risks.

Components of a Risk Assessment Matrix

At its core, a risk assessment matrix is designed to offer a visual representation of risks based on two primary components: likelihood and impact. These two factors work in tandem to create a holistic view of the potential risks an organization faces.

Exploring the Key Elements:

Likelihood: Likelihood refers to the probability of a risk event occurring. It’s essential to categorize likelihood into defined levels, often ranging from “High” to “Low” or “Frequent” to “Rare.” This allows risk assessors to gauge how likely it is for a particular risk to materialize.

Impact: Impact represents the consequences or severity of a risk event if it were to occur. Like likelihood, impact is usually divided into predefined levels, such as “High,” “Medium,” and “Low.” By evaluating the potential impact, organizations can assess the severity of risks.

Understanding the Matrix’s Structure and Purpose

A risk assessment matrix typically takes the form of a grid, with the likelihood and impact axes intersecting to create a matrix of cells. Each cell represents a combination of likelihood and impact, with corresponding risk levels.

The purpose of this matrix is to provide a clear visual representation of the risks an organization faces, allowing for easy identification, classification, and prioritization. The matrix categorizes risks into different risk levels or zones, such as:

High Risk: Risks with both a high likelihood and high impact are typically placed in this category. These are the risks that demand immediate attention and robust mitigation strategies.

Medium Risk: Risks falling in this category may have either a moderate likelihood or moderate impact. Organizations often monitor and manage these risks to prevent them from escalating.

Low Risk: Low-risk items have a low likelihood and low impact, posing minimal immediate threats. These may still require monitoring, but less resource-intensive management.

By using this matrix, organizations can create a visual representation of their risk landscape. This not only helps in prioritizing risks but also guides decision-makers in allocating resources and implementing mitigation strategies effectively.

Building a Risk Assessment Matrix

Interpreting a risk matrix is crucial for understanding the potential risks an organization faces and making informed decisions about how to manage them. A risk matrix typically uses likelihood and impact as its key components to assess and categorize risks. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to interpret a risk matrix effectively:

1. Identify Risk Events:

Start by listing the specific risk events or scenarios you want to assess. These could be events that may impact your organization’s objectives, projects, or operations.

2. Assess Likelihood:

Evaluate the likelihood of each risk event occurring. Use a predefined scale (e.g., High, Medium, Low or numerical values) to categorize likelihood. Consider historical data, expert opinions, and other sources to make this assessment.

3. Assess Impact:

Determine the potential impact of each risk event. Again, use a predefined scale (e.g., High, Medium, Low or numerical values) to categorize impact. Think about the consequences on financial, operational, reputational, or other relevant aspects.

4. Plot Risks on the Matrix:

Place each risk event on the risk matrix based on its assessed likelihood and impact. The likelihood is typically represented on the x-axis (horizontal) and impact on the y-axis (vertical).

5. Analyze Risk Levels:

The matrix divides the space into various risk zones or levels, typically denoted by colors or numerical values. Common levels include “High Risk,” “Medium Risk,” and “Low Risk.”

Interpret the placement of each risk event in these zones. For example:

If a risk falls in the “High Risk” zone, it implies that it has a high likelihood and high impact, demanding immediate attention and robust mitigation strategies.

A risk in the “Medium Risk” zone may have either moderate likelihood or moderate impact, requiring monitoring and management.
Risks in the “Low Risk” zone have low likelihood and low impact, posing minimal immediate threats but still necessitating monitoring.

6. Prioritize Risks:

Focus on the risks categorized as “High Risk” since these require the most immediate attention and resources. Develop detailed risk mitigation plans for these.

For risks in the “Medium Risk” zone, monitor them and be prepared to escalate or initiate mitigation if they worsen.
Risks in the “Low Risk” zone may need minimal resources for monitoring but should not be neglected.

7. Develop Mitigation Strategies:

Use the risk assessments to guide the development of specific risk mitigation strategies and action plans for high and medium-risk events.
Consider how to reduce the likelihood and impact of these events to move them into lower-risk categories.

8. Regularly Review and Update:

A risk matrix is not static. Regularly review and update it to reflect changes in the risk landscape, new information, or shifts in the organization’s objectives.

Interpreting a risk matrix provides a clear view of your organization’s risk profile, helping you allocate resources effectively, make informed decisions, and proactively manage potential threats. It’s a valuable tool for risk management and strategic planning.

To create a risk assessment matrix, you can follow these steps:

1. Define Risk Criteria: Determine the criteria you will use to assess and categorize risks. This typically involves establishing likelihood (probability) and consequence (impact) scales. For example, you might use a low, medium, and high scale for both likelihood and consequence.

2. Create a Grid: Create a grid or table with the likelihood categories along one axis (e.g., rows) and the consequence categories along the other axis (e.g., columns). This will form the basis of your risk assessment matrix.

3. Assign Ratings: Assign ratings to each intersection point in the grid based on the defined risk criteria. For example, the intersection of “low likelihood” and “low consequence” might be labeled as low risk (L), while the intersection of “high likelihood” and “high consequence” might be labeled as high risk (H).

4. Color or Number Coding: Optionally, you can assign specific colors or numerical values to each rating to enhance clarity and visual impact. For instance, you might use green, yellow, and red colors to represent low, medium, and high risks, respectively.

5. Customize Labels: Customize the labels and categories used in the risk assessment matrix to align with your organization’s terminology and context. This will make it easier for stakeholders to understand and interpret the matrix.

6. Populate the Matrix: Assess and document the risks in your specific context by placing them in the appropriate cells of the matrix. Evaluate each risk based on its likelihood and consequence, and assign the corresponding rating.

7. Analyze and Prioritize: Analyze the populated risk matrix to identify high-priority risks. These are typically risks that fall into the high likelihood and high consequence categories, as they pose significant potential impact.

How can a Risk Assessment Matrix Help?

It contains a set of values for a risk’s probability and severity. The following image depicts a 3×3 risk matrix with 3 levels of likelihood and 3 levels of severity.‍

Risk Assessment Matrix-vcomply

Benefits of a risk assessment matrix

  1. Identify the risks that should be prioritized
  2. Provide a simple and graphical portrayal of risks
  3. Simplifies areas of risk management process
  4. Identify areas of risk mitigation

A risk assessment matrix is a document that should evolve as your risks evolve. One of the most important factors when managing projects is analyzing potential project management problems with a risk assessment matrix.

Remember that the risk matrix is just one tool in the risk management process. It helps visualize and prioritize risks but should be complemented with thorough risk assessments, regular reviews, and ongoing monitoring to ensure effective risk management within your organization.

VComply is a robust risk management software that serves as a comprehensive solution for organizations seeking to fortify their risk management practices. It facilitates the creation of a comprehensive risk register, allowing organizations to systematically document and categorize potential risks. VComply’s integrated risk assessment tools enable users to assess the likelihood and impact of these risks, providing valuable insights for risk prioritization. The software offers risk-scoring capabilities, aiding in the quantification of risk severity and the creation of a risk matrix. VComply empowers organizations to implement controls for risk mitigation, ensuring that appropriate measures are in place to address high-priority risks effectively. In essence, VComply provides a holistic framework that simplifies risk management, from risk identification and assessment to scoring, matrix creation, and control implementation, enhancing an organization’s ability to proactively address potential threats and seize opportunities.

The risks can create havoc in your organization if you do not maintain a matrix. A GRC platform like VComply can help you perform risk management and design internal controls that keep your organization compliant.  VComply provides an uncomplicated way for you to manage compliance and risk, allowing you to assign controls and track them through an intuitive interface. Forrester has listed VComply as a top player that comprehensively addresses most use cases within the risk management space.