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Blog > The 7 Best GRC Systems Redefining Compliance and Risk Management in 2024

The 7 Best GRC Systems Redefining Compliance and Risk Management in 2024

VComply Editorial Team
June 10, 2024
4 minutes

A good GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) software is a critical component of an organization’s ability to manage its governance, risk, and compliance activities effectively.

GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) provides a holistic approach to managing an organization’s governance, risk management, and compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards. GRC is different from traditional risk management and compliance management in several ways:

How Does GRC Differ from Traditional Risk Management and Compliance Management?

In contrast to traditional risk management and compliance management, which often operate in silos, GRC brings these crucial components together under one unified framework. While traditional methods may address risk and compliance as separate entities, GRC recognizes their interdependence, emphasizing the need for a coordinated and integrated strategy. This comprehensive approach empowers organizations to efficiently identify, assess, and mitigate risks while ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements, ultimately enhancing overall governance and organizational resilience

Comprehensive Scope

GRC encompasses governance, risk management, and compliance in a unified framework. It integrates these three components to provide a holistic view of an organization’s operations and their impact on risk and compliance.


GRC emphasizes the integration of governance, risk management, and compliance efforts. It encourages organizations to break down silos and promote collaboration among these traditionally separate functions.

Proactive Approach

GRC promotes a proactive approach to risk management and compliance. Rather than merely reacting to incidents or regulatory changes, GRC encourages organizations to identify and mitigate risks before they become major issues and to stay ahead of compliance requirements.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

GRC relies on data and analytics to inform decision-making. It leverages technology to gather and analyze data, helping organizations make informed choices about risk mitigation and compliance strategies.

Strategic Alignment

GRC ensures that an organization’s risk and compliance efforts are aligned with its strategic objectives. It helps organizations make risk-aware decisions that support their long-term goals.

Efficiency and Effectiveness

GRC aims to make risk management and compliance processes more efficient and effective. It streamlines activities, reduces duplication of efforts, and optimizes resource allocation.

Cultural Emphasis

GRC encourages a culture of risk awareness and compliance throughout the organization. It’s not just a set of processes and tools but a mindset that permeates the entire workforce.

Continuous Improvement

GRC promotes a cycle of continuous improvement. It encourages organizations to regularly assess and enhance their risk and compliance processes based on changing circumstances and new information.

Technology Integration

GRC heavily relies on technology to support its processes. It often involves the use of GRC software and tools to manage data, automate tasks, and provide real-time insights.

External Environment Consideration

GRC takes into account the external environment, including regulatory changes, industry standards, and emerging risks. It ensures that organizations stay up-to-date with the evolving landscape.

In essence, GRC is a proactive, integrated, and data-driven approach to managing governance, risk, and compliance. It’s a strategic and cultural shift that aims to make organizations more resilient, efficient, and compliant in a rapidly changing world.

Good read: Key elements of effective GRC system

What Makes a Good GRC Software?

Here are some key characteristics that make a GRC software solution effective and valuable:

  • Comprehensive Functionality:

A good GRC software should offer a wide range of functionalities to cover all aspects of governance, risk management, and compliance. This includes risk assessment, policy management, audit management, compliance tracking, and reporting.

  • User-Friendly Interface:

The software should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface to facilitate adoption and usage across the organization. It should be accessible to both technical and non-technical users.

  • Customization and Scalability:

The ability to customize the software to suit the unique needs of the organization is crucial. It should also be scalable to accommodate changes in the organization’s size and complexity.

  • Integration Capabilities:

The GRC software should integrate seamlessly with other systems and tools, such as ERP systems, to ensure data consistency and eliminate silos.

  • Risk Assessment and Analysis:

Effective risk assessment and analysis tools should be integral to the software. This includes risk identification, assessment, prioritization, and mitigation planning.

  • Compliance Tracking and Reporting:

The software should simplify compliance tracking, enabling organizations to monitor adherence to regulatory requirements and produce detailed reports for audits and stakeholders.

  • Policy and Document Management:

It should provide tools for managing policies, procedures, and other documents critical to governance and compliance.

  • Audit Management:

The software should facilitate audit planning, execution, and reporting. It should support both internal and external audit processes.

  • Real-time Monitoring and Alerts:

Real-time monitoring of risks and compliance status with automated alerts for deviations or potential issues.

  • Data Security and Access Controls:

Robust data security features, including access controls, encryption, and authentication, to protect sensitive information.

  • Reporting and Analytics:

Advanced reporting and analytics capabilities to generate insights from GRC data, aiding in decision-making and risk assessment.

  • Mobile Accessibility:

Accessibility via mobile devices to allow users to access GRC information and perform tasks on the go.

  • Audit Trail and Data Archiving:

Maintain a complete audit trail of activities and ensure data archiving and retention for compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • Continuous Improvement:

Tools to track and manage corrective and preventive actions (CAPAs) to address identified issues and drive continuous improvement in GRC processes.

  • Vendor Support and Updates:

Strong vendor support, including regular updates, to keep the software current and aligned with evolving compliance requirements.

  • Scalable Pricing Model:

A flexible and scalable pricing model that allows organizations to pay for the features they need without unnecessary costs.

Best GRC Platforms in the Market

Determining the “best” GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) systems can be subjective and depends on an organization’s specific needs, size, and budget. However, here’s a list of seven GRC systems, including VComply, with brief descriptions, key capabilities, and general pricing considerations:


Capabilities: VComply offers a comprehensive GRC platform that streamlines governance, risk management, and compliance. Its capabilities include risk assessment, compliance tracking, policy management, audit management, and reporting.

Pricing: VComply offers pricing tailored to an organization’s specific requirements, so it can vary widely based on the size and complexity of the organization. For more information, refer to the pricing page.

ServiceNow GRC:

Capabilities: ServiceNow GRC provides a unified platform for managing GRC activities. It includes risk management, audit management, policy management, and compliance automation.

Pricing: Pricing for ServiceNow GRC is typically based on the number of users and specific modules required, with costs varying accordingly.

RSA Archer:

Capabilities: RSA Archer offers a comprehensive GRC platform with risk management, policy management, incident management, and compliance tracking capabilities.

Pricing: RSA Archer pricing is typically customized to an organization’s needs, and the complexity of the deployment often influences the cost. The pricing starts at about $ 55,000 depending on the features and services users decide to choose.


Capabilities: MetricStream provides GRC solutions with features such as risk management, compliance management, audit management, and policy management.

Pricing: Pricing for MetricStream is usually tailored to individual organizations based on their specific requirements and the scale of implementation.


Capabilities: SAP GRC is designed to help organizations manage risk and compliance. It offers capabilities like access control, process control, and risk management.

Pricing: Pricing for SAP GRC varies based on the specific modules and the size of the organization.

Lockpath (Now NAVEX Global):

Capabilities: Lockpath, now part of NAVEX Global, offers GRC solutions covering risk management, audit management, policy and compliance management, and incident management.

Pricing: Pricing for Lockpath is customized and depends on the organization’s requirements and implementation scale. Price starting at $6,500 for standard plan.

BWise (A SAI Global Company):

Capabilities: BWise, part of SAI Global, provides GRC software that includes risk management, audit management, policy management, and compliance management capabilities.

Pricing: BWise pricing is generally tailored to the organization’s specific needs, including the scope of GRC activities.

Note that the pricing for GRC systems can vary significantly based on factors such as the size of the organization, the specific modules required, and the level of customization. Organizations are advised to request quotes and conduct thorough evaluations to determine the most suitable GRC solution and pricing structure for their unique needs.